Status & Structure of Companies whose COCOD is published in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™
The First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ contains equity (investment) offers from companies that work within the rules and guidelines of the Islamic (shari’ah) financial system. You can learn more about the Islamic financial system in my two webpages Islamic Finance: a primer and Islamic Finance: Venture Investing.
Please note that Graham Segal (also known as Rahim Khalid) trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™ also helps companies that follow normal Australian financial and accounting standards and guidelines to raise equity (investment) capital. You can view their investment offers through this link to webpage The Australian Small & Mid-size Companies’ Capital Raising Board Equity Offers.
If you are an Investor specifically seeking to invest in shari’ah-based companies, you could always consider making an investment offer (after a due diligence check, of course) to any company with an equity offer on the Australian Small & Mid-size Companies’ Capital Raising Board on the proviso that the investee company owners agree to bring their company into shari’ah-compliance and remain so. I always advise the owners of conventional companies to keep an open mind about this. I further point out that the owners of these conventional companies do not have to be of the Islamic faith or even change their faith. In essence, for the investment funds on offer, these business owners just need to agree to follow a straightforward, but different, set of operating rules; rules that also still ensure that their companies’ commercial operations will comply with Australian law.
In many cases the owners of these conventional companies have signified a willingness to consider such offers from Investors seeking shari’ah-compliant investments where this is a condition of funding. These owners of conventional companies therefore are willing to keep an open mind about this because they understand that a good deal is a good deal whatever route is taken to profitable success.
The First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ is published by Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™.
Investor benefits. The First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ helps private investors & venture capital firms to pursue investment opportunities with shari’ah-based growth companies in a way that is consistent with their own investment guidelines, investment selection criteria and legal responsibilities in circumstances free from pitching or any undue pressure or influence.
Legality of Offers. Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™ publishes the investment opportunities listed in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ in good faith pursuant to Section 708 of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 and Class Order 02/273 issued by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC):
ASIC. The Australian Securities & Investments Commission is the Australian Government’s regulatory authority in the securities, investments and capital markets industry. For the information of site visitors who reside outside Australia, ASIC is the direct equivalent of the United States’ Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC): ASIC has similar wide-ranging regulatory, supervisory, enforcement and prosecutorial powers to the SEC.
Class Order Compliant Documents. Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™ publishes the investment opportunities listed in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ in the form of Class Order Compliant Documents. Class Order Compliant Documents are official Offer Information Statements published in accordance with ASIC Class Order 02/273. They set out the terms and conditions of investment offers from entrepreneurial companies seeking equity capital through a sale and purchase of securities. Class Order Compliant Documents are explained in my webpage Raising Equity Capital: Part 3 of 4.
From time to time, investment offers may be published on this Board in different formats. They will have been prepared elsewhere.
Please Read These Important Notices
1. COCODs are copyright-protected. The Class Order Compliant Documents (COCODs) appearing in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ are copyright protected by Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™.
2. COCODs are exclusive. Each of the Class Order Compliant Documents published in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ are published in accordance with an Exclusive Authority to Act Agreement between the company concerned and Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™. Under that Agreement, each company with a Class Order Compliant Document published in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ has appointed Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™ as the one and only person to publish a Class Order Compliant Document on it’s behalf and manage the process of raising equity capital on its behalf.
3. Distribution of COCODs is restricted. Any person or company who, without the express written permission of Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™ publishes, reproduces and/or transmits any Class Order Compliant Documents contained in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ Investment Offers in whole or in part by electronic, mechanical, photographic or chemical means, in any language, to a third person or company may be subject to legal action, and reported to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission for investigation as to possible breaches of securities industry regulatory requirements.
4. Professional adviser access excepted. The limitation in paragraph 3 does not apply in the circumstances where an investor passes a copy of a Class Order Compliant Document to professional advisers for evaluation.
5. Exclusive representation rights. Any person or company who, without the express written permission of Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™ purports to or claims to represent, or act for, or act on behalf of any company whose Class Order Compliant Document is published in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ Investment Offers, may be subject to legal action, and may be reported to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission for investigation as to possible breaches of securities industry regulatory requirements.
Downloading COCODS. To download any of the Class Order Compliant Documents in the First Australian Islamic Finance Capital Raising Board™ Investment Offers to your own computer system, you will need the Adobe Acrobat® Reader. A free copy of the Adobe Acrobat® Reader can be downloaded and installed from
More Important Notices:
It’s a question of horses for courses 1. As a general rule, companies that follow the Islamic financial system will accept investment funds from persons who are not of the Islamic faith and therefore do not follow Islamic rules and guidelines in their own daily lives. Nor do they expect the investors to adopt Islamic principles and guidelines in their daily lives. All they ask is that investors respect their commitment to run their company profitably within shari’ah rules and guidelines.
It’s a question of horses for courses 2. From the alternative perspective, a company following the conventional western financial rules and accounting guidelines may attract the attention of Islamic investors. While it may be unusual, Islamic investors could conceivably make an offer to fund the conventional company on the condition that the investee company adopts and follows the Islamic financial system. This simply reflects the old time-honoured adages: Everything is negotiable! Everything has a price!
The bottom line. Companies seeking equity funds, and investors, should never limit their opportunities for profitable outcomes by ignoring or dismissing for whatever reason, new avenues to achieve financial success.
Investment Opportunities on Offer:
There are presently no investment offers from shari’ah-based companies.
Yours sincerely,
Graham Segal
Chiron! the business doctor.™ ... relieves business pain!™
.Contact Information:
- Telephone (International): 61 405 702 644
- Telephone (Australia): 0405 702 644
- Telephone (Skype): graham.segal1
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© Graham Segal, Author. March 2013. All Rights Reserved
Creative Commons Licence:
This website and the associated webpages content are produced by Graham Segal trading as Chiron! the business doctor.™. They are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License based on Graham's work at