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Graham Segal. Chiron! the business doctor's™ alter ego

Graham. Chiron! the business doctor’s™ alter ego

Hello! I’m Graham Segal, alter ego to Chiron! the business doctor.™, and this is my website and blog for small and mid-size Business Owners like you. Thanks for stopping by. This is not a site for managers, executives or professionals. As a small business owner myself, I quite understand the pressure and stress you face on a daily basis. There are just so many issues that you have to keep one step ahead of. I know how hard it is to keep afloat in a very competitive, often unfair, business environment. Why not sign up below for my blog and keep abreast of issues important to Business Owners.

Although my primary focus is to help you become investment ready & investor friendly and raise equity capital for the expansion of your business, I also have a range of other services that clients have found helpful. You may find some of them helpful too. Check out the list in my extensive menu on the other side of the page.